Makes All Of This Possible

Essentially, SMR (SendMyReports) removes the human intervention normally required to send customized, unique reports & documents to each of your clients. This is something that cannot be accomplished with traditional CRM or auto-responder applications (which only handle distribution), because it involves data retrieval specific to each client from your database, on-the-fly file creation, and then distribution.

SMR was designed from the ground up with Enterprise users in mind - companies managing thousands of clients at any given time. Clients who demand personalized, custom reporting, specific to the services they've purchased.

Now you can automatically send them customized, personalized reports based on their unique data - either on a predetermined schedule/intervals, or based on event triggers (when a task has been completed).

This saves them from having to login to your platform to monitor progress - and it saves your people from having to manually keep clients up to speed.

Why Use SMR?

For one, we can develop the automation logic along with your tech side, and handle the intricacies of email deliverability/filtration (so that your reports don't end up in client's junkmail folders). This saves you development time.

Secondly, SMR is especially helpful for organizations that utilize resellers or whitelabel partners. Now you can seamlessly and invisibly integrate your services with strategic partners & resellers, without sacrificing the end-user's experience. Reports can be built accordingly to match the look, feel and brand of any partner/reseller, on the fly.

This way you can scale your business (via API partnerships, reselling & whitelabel programs, etc) while maintaining optimal customer retention across all your channels.

Here's How to Get Started...

The more mainstream version of SMR is currently in BETA, and currently we only provide customized top-to-bottom solutions, built to suit your enterprise.

So if you're interested in completely streamlining what is arguably one of the largest bottlenecks in CRM (sending customized updates, invoices and communications to your customers) - we'd love to chat!

Please send us an email at with a quick snapshot of your business and what you're looking for specifically - and then let's talk about the exciting possibilities with our technology...